
Mac OS X installer for the curses debugger (cgdb)

Builds an installer for Mac OS X 10.4+ that installs the curses debugger (cgdb) for Mac OS X 10.4 or later (supports both intel and powerpc architectures).

See the cgdb project home page for screen shots, documentation, cgdb sources and so forth.

Quick Download

cgdb-0.6.7.dmg v0.6.7 2013-01-14 Mac OS X cgdb 0.6.7 Installer package for 10.4 or later (universal) [hashes]
cgdb-0.6.6.dmg v0.6.6 2011-09-06 Mac OS X cgdb 0.6.6 Installer package for 10.4 or later (universal) [hashes]


Download a pre-built Mac OS X installer from the build-cgdb project’s downloads area

Or see the README.txt file to build your own Mac OS X cgdb installer, but it’s as simple as doing the following steps:

git clone git://
cd build-cgdb
open cgdb-0.6.7.dmg
# Double-click the installer package to install


GPL v2.0

The cgdb source code is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0 (GPLv2). Additionally, the built cgdb executable is linked with a static library build of the GNU readline library version 5.2 which is also covered by the GPLv2. (Note that the GNU readline library version 5.2 is the last version of the readline library to be covered by the GPLv2; subsequent versions of the readline library are covered by the GPLv3.)


Pre-built universal binary installers of the cgdb executable runnable on Mac OS X 10.4 or later (including 10.7+) are available from the build-cgdb project’s downloads area.

You can download this project’s source code in either tar or zip formats.

You can also clone the project with Git by running:

git clone git://

Mac OS X installer packages are available for these tags:

cgdb-0.6.7.dmg OS X 10.4+ universal installer package (tag: v0.6.7)
cgdb-0.6.6.dmg OS X 10.4+ universal installer package (tag: v0.6.6)

See also the project’s downloads area.

Build Requirements

Other Sources

The build script automatically uses these source tarballs to complete the build:

See Also

Git Repository Browser

Repository browsers are available at: